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If you have been to an affected place OR had contact with someone with Coronavirus AND you have a cough, fever or shortness of breath please stay home. Visit or call NHS 111 Click here for the latest government guidance

Have you had a flu jab?

Have you had a flu jab yet? As the weather gets colder and Winter is here it is time to get your flu jab. Flu is never very pleasant and can last for some time meaning days off work as well as feeling awful and not being able to get out and about. For those at risk...

Urgent recall for zantac prescriptions

Zantac, a popular medicine in the UK made by GlaxoSmithkline for heartburn and stomach ulcers has been urgently recalled due to fears it may contain a chemical linked to cancer. Doctors have been told to stop prescribing it as a ‘precautionary measure’. The recall...